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A major update to the Linux kernel, version 2.6.0, has been released.

The new version of the core, or kernel, of Linux has several changes that make it better suited to powerful computers with numerous processors, a market dominated today by servers running versions of the Unix operating system on which Linux is based.

The new version will be the first major change since 2.4.0 was released in January 2001. From its lowly roots as a student project Linus Torvalds began 12 years ago, the software has matured to become a major competitor to Microsoft and a key part of most computing companies' plans.

やっとの事で、 Linux Karnel 2.6.0 が出たようです。2001年1月に 2.4.0 がリリースされて以来のメジャーアップデートです。Turbolinux 10 Desktop の Kernelは2.6-test5 を試した感じではそれほど実感できなかったのですが、ファイルIOが超高速になったとのこと。

Linux Online