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Zimbra創業者がOnline MeetingベンチャーDimdimに投資

Zimbraの共同創業者であるSatish Dharmarajが米国のベンチャーであるDimdimにエンジェル投資を行った。今回の投資でDimdimのアドバイザリーボードとして経営に参画する模様。

The move, set to be announced in the next week or two, is preceded by Dimdim's revelation Oct. 21 that Zimbra co-founder and CEO Satish Dharmaraj has made a personal investment in Dimdim and has joined the startup's advisory board. Can you guess where this is going? I smell a purchase in the near future.(eWeek)


"I believe that Dimdim real time collaboration capabilities complement Zimbra's asynchronous capabilities to deliver on the vision of unified collaboration," said Satish Dharmaraj. "Dimdim is at the forefront of innovation in the collaboration market and its disruptive technologies and business model are already changing the way that people communicate worldwide. That's why I chose to invest personally in the company." (MarketWatch)

