The company, which sells a version of the Linux operating system intended to mimic Microsoft's Windows, acknowledged Friday that a Dutch judge had ruled against the company in a Microsoft case claiming the Lindows name infringes on Microsoft's Windows trademark.A judge in Amsterdam District Court issued a preliminary injunction barring the company from selling or advertising any products under the Lindows name in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. Courts in Finland and Sweden have issued similar injunctions.
Lindows.comに対し、オランダ、ベルギー、ルクセンブルク国内でLindowsの名称を使った製品の販売/広告を差し止める仮命令を言い渡した。Lindows.comも1月30日これを認めている。 from ITMedia IT Premium
■ Dutch judge blocks Lindows over trademark issue from ZDNet