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iPod mini 夏までおあずけ

The rest of the world will have to wait until summer for the iPod mini.

Apple Computer's popular music player won't be available outside the United States until July, the Cupertino-based company announced this morning. Apple had originally targeted April for international distribution of the mini, a digital music player about the size of a half-inch stack of business cards that comes in blue, green, gold, pink and silver.

米国外で iPod mini を手にするのは、この夏までお預けとなりそう。というニュース。

なんとiPod は昨年最終4半期で、733,000台 売れ、今年第1四半期は 100万台をにらんでいる。4月から6月までは米国の「父の日」に向けたキャンペーンを展開予定とのこと。Dads and Grads!

Apple delays global iPod mini launch